Monday, July 19, 2010

Quit whining or write about it #youprefer

Things always take the wildest turn you can never predict. At first it is new and exciting. I couldn't wait to discover interesting articles to read and fun things to have a laugh about. Then the focus shifted to people and how a lot of them could be creative and funny when it comes to dissecting day to day activities. Then it becomes about connecting and real-world worthy contacts. Then the unthinkable happens. You have misjudged and underestimated your own contribution to the scheme of things and the happenings around you. The followers arrive. Before you know you are under pressure. For once, you remember and mildly appreciate Ravi Shashtri's wise yet beaten words 'Its all about handling the pressure'. Everything has changed, the equations have altered, your own landscape has changed thanks to ever-changing preferences. It seems like chaos and a lot of noise. People come and go. A few drunken moments cost you dear. You finally have a landscape which you don't comprehend, you are not connected to, not reading or gaining a bit from, laughter is a thing of the past and a non-existent, fictitious, commitment to your followers. Your own short-comings are blindingly obvious to you and all along you have been learning lessons - more real world than virtual. Finally its all empty and there is no way out - your problem seems to be a combination of 283 numbers. Solution, from the beginning, never depended on the combination of 283 numbers but in finding your own unique, predictable, responsible and enjoyable balance right. You realize what you are not. You quit.