Thursday, March 26, 2009

Infosys postpones campus-hiring plans

Technologies is reviewing its campus hiring plans since growth has come down for software services in its top markets of US and Europe, media said. About 88 per cent of Infosys' revenues come from the US and Europe

According to a report, it has postponed new recruitment of engineering graduates this year for almost six months. In the next fiscal year, Infoys will approach top engineering colleges during eighth semester, instead of sixth semester as before, due to a change in recruitment policy, the report said.

According to Infosys HR Director TV Mohandas Pai, Infosys is in the middle of an adjustment towards a leaner bench. Its current bench strength is at 20% of total employees, which is likely to come down to 10% and eventually stabilize between 10 and 15 percent in the coming fiscal. The company is also trying to make its organizational structure leaner and efficient. Some 100 positions are expected to be removed, as they do not exist any longer.

In some cases, the company is giving options to its employees to work with a non-profit organization for a year and get paid half their salary for the duration. The company has restricted the kind of non-profit organizations employees can work with. It has to be in the areas of public health and education or in regulatory bodies and industry associations. The organizations must be secular and not have any religious affiliation. Employees are also encouraged to contribute to projects on open source and do more innovative work.

by RTT Staff Writer

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