With the new pay commission for the central government employees and significant pay hike just announced for the PSUs, the urban purchasing power should be strengthening. The year has had its standard quota of monsoon. The last quarter ended fairly well, at 7.5% growth. Nearing elections, the government has been bending backward, easing up on an array of policies. The government has already announced its continuing commitment to invest heavily in infrastructure.
Real estate prices are down to more realistic levels and home loans are headed southwards as well. The worst hit suffered by an Indian bank by the subprime crisis is the ICICI Bank, according to which the hit is a mere $32 million that has been accounted for by the bank. Our foreign exchange reserves remain a healthy $260 odd billion. The Mumbai terror attack has unified the country like never before. Mumbai is on the move again.
But Sensex is not at 30,000. It is closer to 10,000. Not counting the Mumbai terror attacks, which were a later phenomenon, our gloom about the financial crisis is all about the Sensex plummeting below 10,000. So our financial crisis is really a crisis of Sensex rather than any real effect of the subprime related crisis.
Why did Sensex crash from 20,000 to under 10,000 within a year? Not because our economic fundamentals have crashed overnight. Why did Sensex climb from 10,000 to 20,000 earlier in the first place (a question rarely asked)? Not because our economy had performed some unheard of miracle. The Sensex soared because some foreign institutions, with their home markets hardly offering any investment opportunities invested heavily in our market. And it plummeted when they took a big hit back home, needed their money real bad and fast and pulled back their investments. Soon they will have no option but to bring the investment back to our doorstep.
It is strange that when prices fall in general, we are all happy because goods are now better value. But when stock prices fall, we shed copious tears. Exactly the same stocks with exactly the same economic fundamentals were great buys with Sensex at 20,000; but they are bad investments today with Sensex at some 10000 odd!
I think ours is a crisis of confidence, and an imagined one at that. Consider this. Last month, a young graduate I know received an offer through a large recruiting process, as an executive in one of the leading software companies of the country.
They gave him 48 hours to join with a set of documentation an inch thick, including an “agreement” that he will serve for a minimum of two years backed by a surety of Rs 1,25,000. As this had to be provided by me and I was travelling, I asked him to seek three days time, which he did. During the week when all this was happening , the story of Lehman Brothers folding up and other related stories from the west hit the news-stands.
On the third day, with all documentation complete, when the lad appeared before the company to join, all the offers had been put on hold and then effectively withdrawn , on account of “the financial crisis” ! Now what kind of national company would do that, except as a knee-jerk reaction? Incidentally, this is not the only company to do so.
Only last year, as the rupee was under 40 to the dollar, our IT companies were crying hoarse for the government to weaken the rupee. And today, when the rupee is down 25% from a year ago, we only get to hear about loss of contracts. Assuming that there are cancellations in some contracts for these IT companies, doesn’t the rupee devaluation of the tune of 25% in less than a year even partially offset that fact?
Doesn’t the slowdown also open up a greater case for some more outsourcing for greater competitiveness in the US and Europe? This is not to say that some individual sectors have not been hit severely by the slowdown in the western economies. But they hardly account for the entire economy. Besides, isn’t the Indian market big enough? If steel, cement and hotel prices are down today, did they not see a phenomenal rise in tariffs the last few years?
Today, our only cause for concern should be the issue of dealing with Pakistan. Whatever the attributed reasons for systemic failure leading to the attacks, the issue is being dealt with some degree of maturity by the government. So let us be more upbeat.
Our financial crisis is only in our minds. So let us not over-react irrationally. Look at the brighter side of the crisis — namely some of the best jokes that are coming our way. My own favourite is: “This is worse than a divorce. I lost half my money and still have my wife.”
(The author is CEO, GMR Varalakshmi Foundation)
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